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You can add a file to the How to Add a File to My Files Tab/Active Project Folder using any one of the following three options. You only need to use one of these methods to add a file:

Option 1: Drag and Drop

  • Steps:
    1. Navigate to the MyFiles tab.
    2. Drag the desired file from anywhere on your PC.
    3. Drop the file into the Drag and Drop field at the top of the screen.
    • The file will be automatically copied to your Active Project Folder.

Option 2: Copy to Active Project Folder

  • Steps:
    1. Locate the Active Project Folder on your PC.
    2. Copy the desired file from its current location.
    3. Paste the file into the Active Project Folder.
    • The file will be added and recognised by Sherlayer.

Option 3: Download from Sherlayer Cloud

  • Steps:
    1. Navigate to the File Vault tab.
    2. Select the file(s) you want to download from the Sherlayer Cloud.
    3. Click on the Download button.
    • You can also use the batch action for downloading multiple files simultaneously.