The month of January brings a brand new feature pack to Sherlayer, containing a mixture of new features and important functionality patches.
- When doing a data drop within the file vault, the user must now provide a reason (for auditing purposes) for the data drop
- Alerts have a brand new look-and-feel, and have been converted to use the modern front end technology AngularJS
- Alerts related to documents now have the option of instantly creating a task, whilst dismissing the alert
- The File Vault can now seamlessly handle both four and five digit versions of file numbers
- By default, files will be given four digit file numbers, in accordance with BS 1192
- Within projects with the BIM Approval Process feature enabled, the Published area now has all A1-7, B1-7 and D1-4 as suitability codes
- Document Distribution is now available on non-BIM projects
- Users with Edit Permissions now have the ability to change the Suitability code of multiple files at once
- Knowledge Base – Help icons have been added to the system for Document Distribution. If you have User Groups setup with Roles, a help icon will appear alongside the role selection for uploading and tagging documents. These icons link directly to our online Knowledge Base / User Documentation. More help icons will be coming in subsequent releases
- An issue with selecting files within the File Vault has been resolved
- An issue with switching areas within the advanced search has been resolved
- Uniclass Classifications are now fully supported within BIM projects, importing, exporting and editing
- Attaching files to Tasks and Communications has been enhanced
- The Audit Trail now records document tag changes in more depth
- When creating a communication with attachments, the timeout option will now be automatically set to noon of the selected expiry date
As Sherlayer is a fully cloud CDE, this update will have been provisioned to you automatically, with zero downtime.
Sherlayer FP3 is scheduled to be released at the end of February, and will boast both new features and enhanced functionality.