Category: Files

Compare versions of files/drawings
July 18, 2024

This feature is available for Word and PDF documents that have more than one version. When the document is suitable for comparison, users can see “Compare Versions” in the “More” menu beside the specific file in the file vault.                 Clicking this will open a popup window showing all of different versions of the file.                   When two versions of the file are selected using the toggle option then a...

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Approval Process Labels
January 8, 2020

As of Feature Pack 5.0, we have added the ability to label each stage, between areas, in the approval process of a project (Step 5 of project set-up). If stages are not named they will default to stage 1,2,3 etc.  This will be reflected in the file history of each file as it passes through each...

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How to use the 2D Floor Plan within the IFC Viewer
January 7, 2020

Sherlayer's 2D Floor plan is automatically created from the original architectural model used and can be viewed within the IFC Viewer alongside 3D models.  Currently, there are a number of features, all of which are detailed below: Floor Selection. A specific floor can be selected from the drop-down menu available and this will automatically reorientate view to the selected floor. Walkthrough Explorer Clicking the red arrow (walkthrough explorer)...

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File number display length
August 27, 2019

In the project setup (step 4 - BIM), administrators can now define how many digits their document file numbers will display with. The options are 4, 5 and 6 digits, as per requirements defined in the UK annex of ISO-19650. If your project has the display length set to 4 digits, 6 digits numbers can still be uploaded and displayed, it just means by default smaller file numbers will only be padded to 4...

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Folder Download Permission
August 27, 2019

Previously, only users with update access or information manager status could download files. Now in step 3, User groups can be given specific download permissions for particular folders. The folder permissions for all child folders can be set with the permissions button at the top level. It is now possible to have users which can view and download but not update, and a wide range of other permission...

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Discipline-based Approval Process
August 27, 2019

BIM Standards (most recently ISO19650) state that a document's Role determine its related discipline. For example, a role of A means the document is of an Architectural nature. Documents can now be reviewed by specific people for their discipline (Role). In step 5 of the project setup screen, the set of reviewers by default will cover "All Roles". You can add one or more discipline-based approvers by clicking the button on the top right of the...

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Daily Document Summary
August 27, 2019

Getting too many document alert emails? Our daily document summary feature allows you to change the frequency of document alerts to once per day. At 7PM daily, a summary of all the documents added, updated or promoted within the project will be delivered to your email inbox. In the summary, users will only receive information about the documents with a role their user group is associated with and they have the correct folder and area permissions...

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Uploading New Files
April 1, 2019

Are you trying to upload files? See the 5 easy steps down below. 1. Go to your project -> click the "File Vault" button (see below). 2. Click the "Upload Files" button (see below). 3. We have multiple ways to upload new files, you can drag your files right into the web browser or click the blue “Browse for file(s)” button, see down below. 4. In the file dialog, select a file that you want to...

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Document Alerts
March 21, 2019

Staying up to date with important types of documents has never been easier! During Step 2 of the project setup screen, User Groups can be associated with one or more Roles (e.g. Architect, Building Surveyor, Civil Engineer..) From then on, all users within the group will be automatically notified of any new files which are uploaded or edited with that role. If the project has BIM Approval Process enabled, then alerts...

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