Category: Emails

Daily Document Summary
August 27, 2019

Getting too many document alert emails? Our daily document summary feature allows you to change the frequency of document alerts to once per day. At 7PM daily, a summary of all the documents added, updated or promoted within the project will be delivered to your email inbox. In the summary, users will only receive information about the documents with a role their user group is associated with and they have the correct folder and area permissions...

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Email Tracking
June 17, 2019

Since Feature Pack 4.7 (June 2019), we track all emails sent out from and in to our system from a User's email program. Emails are sent from and to Sherlayer in a wide range of scenarios. You can view all the tracked email types here. We track whether emails are delivered, what time they are delivered, how many times they were opened, what time they were last opened, how many times links were clicked and the last time a link was clicked in the...

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Email Statuses
June 14, 2019

When raw emails are sent out from Sherlayer, there are a variety of statuses that they may pass through: Send – The email is currently in the process of being sent to the recipient's mail server. Delivery – The email has been successfully delivered to the recipient's mail server. Open – The recipient received the email and opened it in his or her email program. Click – The recipient clicked one or more links contained in the...

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Email Types
June 14, 2019

In Sherlayer, there are different types of emails which are sent from and received by the system: Support Request = This is the email sent to the Sherlayer team whenever someone sends an issue using the "Support" link in the system. User Invite = This is the email sent out to invite a user to join your company in Sherlayer. This email is sent out whether you add your users individually or batch import them using the excel template. Password Reset...

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