Category: Organisations

Folder permissions overview
April 26, 2023

Sherlayer is a project management tool that allows organizations to collaborate on construction projects efficiently. One essential aspect of project management is controlling user access to project resources, including folders, files, and documents. Admins in an organization may need to audit folder permissions of users for each project to ensure compliance and maintain security. In this article, we will explore how to perform an audit of folder...

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Last Updated Documents (Advanced Dashboard)
April 26, 2023

The Last Updated Documents section on Sherlayer’s advanced dashboard provides end-users with a way to quickly see the latest documents that have been uploaded to projects they are a part of. This allows users to stay up-to-date with the latest information related to their projects and quickly access any new documents that have been added. When you access the Last Updated Documents section, you will see a list of all the latest documents that have...

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News Feed (Advanced Dashboard)
April 26, 2023

The News Feed section on Sherlayer’s advanced dashboard provides end-users with a way to stay up-to-date with important information related to their projects. This section is particularly useful for large organizations with many projects and teams, as it allows all users to see important updates in a centralized location. Admin users can edit the news feed by selecting settings from the main dashboard, manage dashboard and then manage news...

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Project Overruns (Advanced Dashboard)
April 26, 2023

The Project Overruns (Tasks) section on Sherlayer’s advanced dashboard allows end-users to quickly see the number of overdue tasks for each project they are a part of. This helps users stay on top of their project deadlines, ensuring that everything is completed on time. When users access the Project Overruns (Tasks) section, users will see a list of all the projects that they are currently working on. Next to each project name, users will see the...

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Key Document (Advanced Dashboard)
April 26, 2023

Sherlayer’s advanced dashboard includes a feature that allows admins to manage key documents in their respective projects. Examples of key documents could be company health & safety policies, site incident reports, employee manuals, site safety manuals etc. This feature makes it easier for team members to access important documents, increasing productivity and efficiency. To manage key documents, admins need to access the Settings tab, then...

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Advanced Dashboard
April 26, 2023

Sherlayer users can now utilise our advanced dashboard, which provides a new and improved user interface. As an admin of an organization, users can turn on or off the advanced dashboard feature by going to the settings and ‘Manage Dashboard’. You can toggle the "Enable Dashboard" option to switch the feature on or off. When you switch on the dashboard, it will replace the previous front page dashboard that users are accustomed to. The new...

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Using a Custom Logo
April 1, 2019

Using a custom logo 1) Click the "Settings" 2) Scroll the setting page to the lowest bottom and click the "Choose File" button. 3) In your folder dialog, choose a logo and click "Open". 4) Click "Set as logo" when you ready to...

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